Why Dinosaur Provincialism Matters

Hey there everypeoples. 

Yet another entry after a long gap. Usual excuse: busy with work which usually leaves me worn out. And frankly, blogging has kinda lost its fulfillment. I dunno, maybe once I start my job in Texas I’ll have stuff to actually post instead of inane ramblings. Anyway, onto business. 

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Nanotyrannus: Up Hell Creek Without a Paddle

Hey there every peoples!

Dinosaurs may seem cool on their face. But once you get into them they start heaping up their own kinds of problems. I usually tell people one of the reasons I stick with mammals is that dinosaur taxonomy is a complete freaking mess. It is always changing with families sunk and started all over the place. One relation may exist today, but it could be revised tomorrow. This is how science works, but hell if it aint hard to keep track of. But, some disputes over taxonomy can last longer than others. Especially when the evidence is scant. Here we are going to look at one of the most heated taxonomic debates since “Toroceratops” (in fact, it’s been around for 3 times as long).

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Why the Cenozoic?

Hey there every peoples!

It’s been far too long, hasn’t it? Well, between fieldwork, job hunting, and a trip to Canada, I just haven’t had time for the ol’ cyber rag. And I actually did get a job and have been working full time for the last couple months. Plus, I applied for a collections internship at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science. So much on my plate! But people keep following my blog so I have returned to ramble some more.

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Is the National Fossil Hall Heading in the Right Direction?

Hey there every peoples!

Jesus H. Christ on a pogo stick! It has truly been forever. Well it’s that I have been so busy with WAVP, a trip to Florida, field work in New Mexico, Live Oak, and the one or two gigs I have managed to land. Plus my proof reader is busy overseeing an overhaul to his collections space. But I have some things I want to write about. And what shall it be?

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On a Prehistoric Journey in Colorado

Hey there every peoples!

Its been a long time since I last posted here. That’s because I was out living the dream. I spent over a month and a half out in Utah with the Denver Museum of Nature and Science. That could be a lengthy post in and of itself. But I can’t really share pictures or too many details about what we found. Suffice to say it was a very productive experience where I got to live my passion, learn a lot, and work with some great people.

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